This is me... fuck it or forget it.

It's friday night, where am I?
Lying on my bedroom floor.
Where else would I be?
It's better, here, on the cold floor,
Favorite book in tow,
Than it would ever be sitting face to face
With you.

It's silly really,
Everyone's infatuation.
Their obbsesion.
I'm much better off listening to my heart,
It's beat tops today's fad.
We could hold hands,
But I'm just not on your level.

I've got labels.
Set me free, I'm stuck.
Stuck in this image, no one sees me.
The real me, without the mask,
Without the humor.
Make me real.

I love you.
I shouldn't have said that.
I did anyway, it's time you knew anyway.
I hide everything,
I'll never let you breach the surface.
That's too personal.


For give the analogy,
But today was like ripples on a pond.
It always starts small,
But then it grows.
I can't get a grip on it anymore.
I stumble.
Catch me.
