Deck the halls.

I'd like to think that every year I age
Is like a snowglobe. 
Completely transparent with a sort of 
Focus in the middle. 
It seems calm, and clear. 
That is until you give a good shake

Here's to another year of flying glittery snow.


Spanish Omelet.

Currently my favorite word that does 
Not describe you.
I am a braniac of epic proportions, 
A scholar for the ages.

I'd hate to hurt you with my vocabulary.



One for when I was 13, 
when I  cried more than smiled. 
Hated more than I loved.
And wished more than lived. 
There was one then

One for when I started high school, 
When I was uncertain and curious. 
When I hadn't quite figured myself out, 
And couldn't look in a mirror without scowling.
There was another one then. 

One for senior year, 
The end of an era, 
The start of something new. 
When I said goodbye to old fears, and old places.
And threw arms open to my future.
There was one then. 

One for now.
For now when I take on the real world.
Still scared, still unsure.
But there's courage in the words.
There's one now. 

Thank you.



Sometimes I wonder about you,
Are you secretly normal?
Are you even nice?
You're like looking in a mirror
Only I'm not sure what inane babble runs through your head.

Keep bluffing.


Under The Tuscan Sun.

Has it really been a year?
I took on the real world, 
Got to say I kicked some ass. 
I've got the black eye to prove it. 
Got a cold compress?

I needed to come back, 
Needed to put my feet back on the ground again. 
Fold in my wings,
And sit back for a while.

Learned a few lessons
And I'm a little worse for the wear.
But I'm still banking that he loves me, 
Or at least that's the joke of the day

I'm hanging my hat for a bit, 
Long enough to realize the sky is blue
And so are your eyes

The grass has never looked so greener. 
